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Combined Community Food Pantry/AGAPE

Combined Community Food Pantry/AGAPE

Combined Community Food Pantry/AGAPE


Combined Community Food Pantry/AGAPE

209 South Brooklyn Avenue
Sidney, OH 45365 | View on Google Maps
Bruce Boyd Bruce Boyd
(937) 498-4368 | fax: (937) 497-0329
Connect With Us
We are a non-profit agency serving the poor and hurting by assisting other non-profits with products and supplies that help fulfill their mission to the hurting. Agape Distribution serves individuals needing groceries: The poor and hungry may shop and select their groceries for FREE! There is never a cost or charge to those in need. Here's what you need for registration: A photo ID and Proof of Residence (any bill or official letter posted to your name at your address). With these in hand, you and your family will be able to shop "the same day" selecting the items you like best. The Non-Profit Agency Store is open to other non-profits providing products, goods and supplies to help fulfill their mission to the hurting.
Member Since: 2002